
Growing fine coffee requires the coexistence of several unique conditions.  This exotic plant flourishes on rich, porous volcanic soil in a mild tropical climate.  A daily cycle of bright filtered sunlight with daily summer rains creates an environment ideal for coffee.  Luckily, these conditions converge on a small strip of fertile land embracing the western volcanic slope of the Big Island of Hawaii.  This region, 800 to 2000 feet in elevation, one to two miles wide and about 25 miles long is called the Kona coffee belt. In fact, only beans grown in North and South Kona can bear the name of this region.  Coffee grown elsewhere, even in Hawaii, cannot be called Kona Coffee.

But location is not the only factor distinguishing Kona Coffee from other coffees and commercial blends.  The extraordinary care taken in picking, processing, aging and roasting the beans insures the coffee offers the world-renowned Kona character, a full, rich flavor with balanced acidity, great aroma and long finish lacking bitterness.



生長良好的咖啡需要幾種獨特條件的共存。 咖啡這個外來農產品在這一片溫和的熱帶氣候區裡,在富含多火山的夏威夷土壤中盡情揮舞生長著。除此之外咖啡也需要在一個有每日一半時間日照及夏天裡多雨的且潮濕的環境生長,如此的條件每日循環才能建立成一個咖啡理想的生長環境。 幸運的是,這些條件集中在一條包括夏威夷的大部分島嶼西方的火山斜坡的肥沃的土地的小地帶。在這個地區,海拔在800到2000英尺高,寬1 到2 英里內大約25英里長被叫為Kona咖啡帶。 實際上,只有在北方和南方Kona種植的咖啡才能名叫Kona。 咖啡生長在別處,即使在夏威夷境內,也不能叫Kona咖啡。


但是生長位置並不是唯一分辨Kona咖啡和其他咖啡和其他商業咖啡的唯一元素。 更重要的是需要特別的小心挑選,處理,靜置及保存並且確保在烘烤咖啡時能出充分表現出這世界著名的Kona咖啡的性格,將此一充滿和諧,豐富味道與平衡的酸度一起表現出來,將等級最大的香氣和長時間都能保留在口中的韻味在最後的苦味餘韻中表現出來。



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