
近年來有很多關於咖啡因和骨質流失關連性方面的研究發現 : 咖啡因會使鈣在腸道及尿液中流失的量增加,在正常的情況下,人體會代償性的增加腸道對鈣的吸收量,但這種代償作用會隨著年齡的增加而降低,尤其當鈣的攝取量又低於一般建議劑量(每天800毫克)時,此種代償作用會更不明顯。據統計,大部份中年以上的人,在攝入高含量咖啡因的同時只攝入低劑量的鈣,這種情況目前已被證實會增加骨質的流失,對骨頭造成傷害,因而增加發生骨折的機會。
很多針對停經後的婦女所作的研究都發現:停經後婦女的脊椎及臀部骨質的密度,會隨其一生中飲用含咖啡因咖啡的量而降低;但對於每天至少喝一杯牛奶的婦女,即使一直有喝咖啡的習慣,其骨質密度卻並不會隨著飲用咖啡的量而降低。另外,鈣質攝取量低的婦女,每天只飲用約二至三杯研磨咖啡(或五至七杯即溶咖啡),就會使骨質流失的情況惡化;但對於鈣的攝取量接近或高於建議劑量的婦女,則尚未發現有不良反應發生。 所以,如果能保持每天由飲食中攝取足量鈣質(至少800毫克)的習慣,則適度的享受一下咖啡,並不會影響骨質的流失而增加發生骨折的危險性。
Caffeine and Coffee咖啡因與咖啡
Caffeine is a natural substance that is present in the leaves, seeds and fruits of more than sixty plant species
worldwide. Many food and beverage products made with these ingredients inherently contain caffeine. In
addition, caffeine is sometimes added to foods and beverages during the manufacturing process in order to
enhance flavor, or in the case of medications, to enhance efficacy
Each of the following can slightly alter the level of caffeine in decaffeinated coffee so that it is above or below the
typical caffeine level
Factors that Affect the Caffeine Level in Coffee 哪些原因影響咖啡裡咖啡因的含量
1. blend composition混合的配方
2. grind研磨(粗細)
3. brewing extraction rates淬取的速度
4. roast color烘焙的顏色(深淺)
5. water temperature水溫
Higher extraction rates, warmer water, a finer grind, and a lighter roast all result in a higher caffeine level
in decaf coffee. Potentially, the caffeine level could increase from approximately 2 mg to 6 mg per
cup. This is a negligible increase relative to a caffeinated cup of coffee, which contains between 60 to 180 mg of caffeine per cup.
Caffeine and Espresso 咖啡因與義式濃縮咖啡
An espresso blend is defined by the grind size and the low level of water used in its preparation. The same green decaffeinated coffee beans are used for espresso and a regular cup of decaffeinated coffee. Decaf espresso will tend to have a higher concentration of caffeine compared to regular decaf coffee due to its much finer grind and the relatively lower amount of water used in its preparation
Caffeine Content in Common Foods and Beverages 食物與飲料中咖啡因的含量
Product 產品--------------------------------咖啡因含量
Regular coffee (drip method, 5 oz)滴漏式----60 – 180 mg
Regular coffee (percolated, 5 oz)濾泡-------40 – 170 mg
Regular coffee (instant, 5 oz)即溶咖啡-------30 – 120 mg
Espresso (1 oz)義式咖啡----------------------30 – 50 mg
Coca Cola (12 oz)可口可樂--------------------46 mg
Pepsi (12 oz)百事可樂------------------------38 mg
Tea, loose or bags (5 oz) 茶包--------------20 – 90 mg
US Food and Drug Administration and National Soft Drink Association
近年來有很多關於咖啡因和骨質流失關連性方面的研究發現 : 咖啡因會使鈣在腸道及尿液中流失的量增加,在正常的情況下,人體會代償性的增加腸道對鈣的吸收量,但這種代償作用會隨著年齡的增加而降低,尤其當鈣的攝取量又低於一般建議劑量(每天800毫克)時,此種代償作用會更不明顯。據統計,大部份中年以上的人,在攝入高含量咖啡因的同時只攝入低劑量的鈣,這種情況目前已被證實會增加骨質的流失,對骨頭造成傷害,因而增加發生骨折的機會。
很多針對停經後的婦女所作的研究都發現:停經後婦女的脊椎及臀部骨質的密度,會隨其一生中飲用含咖啡因咖啡的量而降低;但對於每天至少喝一杯牛奶的婦女,即使一直有喝咖啡的習慣,其骨質密度卻並不會隨著飲用咖啡的量而降低。另外,鈣質攝取量低的婦女,每天只飲用約二至三杯研磨咖啡(或五至七杯即溶咖啡),就會使骨質流失的情況惡化;但對於鈣的攝取量接近或高於建議劑量的婦女,則尚未發現有不良反應發生。 所以,如果能保持每天由飲食中攝取足量鈣質(至少800毫克)的習慣,則適度的享受一下咖啡,並不會影響骨質的流失而增加發生骨折的危險性。
Caffeine and Coffee咖啡因與咖啡
Caffeine is a natural substance that is present in the leaves, seeds and fruits of more than sixty plant species
worldwide. Many food and beverage products made with these ingredients inherently contain caffeine. In
addition, caffeine is sometimes added to foods and beverages during the manufacturing process in order to
enhance flavor, or in the case of medications, to enhance efficacy
Each of the following can slightly alter the level of caffeine in decaffeinated coffee so that it is above or below the
typical caffeine level
Factors that Affect the Caffeine Level in Coffee 哪些原因影響咖啡裡咖啡因的含量
1. blend composition混合的配方
2. grind研磨(粗細)
3. brewing extraction rates淬取的速度
4. roast color烘焙的顏色(深淺)
5. water temperature水溫
Higher extraction rates, warmer water, a finer grind, and a lighter roast all result in a higher caffeine level
in decaf coffee. Potentially, the caffeine level could increase from approximately 2 mg to 6 mg per
cup. This is a negligible increase relative to a caffeinated cup of coffee, which contains between 60 to 180 mg of caffeine per cup.
Caffeine and Espresso 咖啡因與義式濃縮咖啡
An espresso blend is defined by the grind size and the low level of water used in its preparation. The same green decaffeinated coffee beans are used for espresso and a regular cup of decaffeinated coffee. Decaf espresso will tend to have a higher concentration of caffeine compared to regular decaf coffee due to its much finer grind and the relatively lower amount of water used in its preparation
Caffeine Content in Common Foods and Beverages 食物與飲料中咖啡因的含量
Product 產品--------------------------------咖啡因含量
Regular coffee (drip method, 5 oz)滴漏式----60 – 180 mg
Regular coffee (percolated, 5 oz)濾泡-------40 – 170 mg
Regular coffee (instant, 5 oz)即溶咖啡-------30 – 120 mg
Espresso (1 oz)義式咖啡----------------------30 – 50 mg
Coca Cola (12 oz)可口可樂--------------------46 mg
Pepsi (12 oz)百事可樂------------------------38 mg
Tea, loose or bags (5 oz) 茶包--------------20 – 90 mg
US Food and Drug Administration and National Soft Drink Association